Who We Are

Plan to Work consists of professionals who are Community Work Incentive Coordinators. These individuals have completed training on Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Community Work Incentive Coordinators offer individualized assistance to beneficiaries of either program.

Community Work Incentive Coordinators also offer information about other state and federal programs and can provide a full work incentive analysis in order to make the transition to work one of informed choice.

Community Work Incentive Coordinators are a valuable resource for you whether you are going to work for the first time, returning to the workforce or starting your own business. Community Work Incentive Coordinators are separate from but funded by Social Security to provide these services at no cost to beneficiaries.

Contact Plan to Work at (866) 497-9443.

What is Ticket to Work?

The Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program is an employment program for people with disabilities who are interested in going to work. The Ticket Program is part of the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 – legislation designed to remove many of the barriers that previously influenced people’s decisions about going to work because of the concerns over losing health care coverage. The goal of the Ticket Program is to increase opportunities and choices for Social Security disability beneficiaries to obtain employment, vocational rehabilitation (VR), and other support services from public and private providers, employers, and other organizations.

Under the Ticket Program, the Social Security Administration provides disability beneficiaries with a Ticket they may use to obtain the services and jobs they need from organizations called Employment Networks (ENs).  You can learn more about the Ticket to Work program by visiting the Choose Work Site.